Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Couldn't resist

Just too stupid & amusing NOT to deserve a posting!
This makes me smile.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sweet sweet tat

Love this make-shift tattoo...the silly, cheerful boy playing piano, and death looming by. Hilarious.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why I'd be good as a goldfish

This goldfish has SASS!
I love it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This is why Vimeo is far surperior than Youtube

Minilogue - Animals from ljudbilden on Vimeo.

From the guys who first inspired me to do stop-animation, here's another amazing piece. Makes me want to experiment with motion tracking.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Mysterious Machine

Untitled from mudlevel on Vimeo.

This really really makes me wish I was good at engineering...sad.
By the way...isn't this fucking SWEET? This is something that would make my life if I saw it randomly. I am so envious of the people in the footage. I wonder if this was done illegally???
So strange & wonderful!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dirty Birdy

Reminds me of ren & stimpy. I can't get over the music!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Terrible Humor

This is one such example of my terrible humor...much worse than "Gumby banging horses"...

Saturday, September 6, 2008


So I'm kinda worried about IP...but not as much as I should be. This freaks me out.

Even more importantly, I miss my Jackie! A very large bird recently ran into his back when he was in the forest. I hope he's ok.

I found this video recently..i love the simplicity and directness of it. It's amazing when you can convey such a complex story without words. This piece is quite successful!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sonic Sound not Sonic Blast

Check out the use of sound effects from this little number...I love the toothbrush sound!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back to the mitten


So I'm back to michigan. I miss Portland like HELL. I really really liked it there. Seattle was wonderful as well, but Portland was just so much more comfortable. Loved how they were into outdoor activities out west. My heart lies on the shores of the Pacific. Sigh.

p.s. notice the gorgeous city horizon in the background. the shoreline of skyscrapers was breathtaking.

Anyway, the place was spectacular & now I'm back. Piss. They did have some awesome graffiti & painted street signs though! Here's a taste:

Now back to sweet shit all over. Here's some new stuff dug up from the fellas at Wooster.

This is some cool stuff by JR in Rio where he incorporated eyes overlooking from the hills. Creepy but enticing at the same time. Wouldn't it freak you out to live at the bottom & look up at eyes watching you one night? Freaky. Love the clothes drying in front of the one eyeball.

Here's a new way to intervene with cameras taking over. This is just hilarious.

Oh, and I just found out from motionographer a sweet-ass illustrator by the name of David Klein. Makes me depressed I can't draw. Anymore...sad. His stuff is beautiful and a hint of victorian (well, at least this one in particular...)

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I have no clue how they made this watch move in the beginning scene, I'm frankly amazed. How is it the Japanese & Brazilians are so damn good with film & other art? I mean shit Brazil already has ridiculous graffiti, but now they have fucking film too? No fair! Too bad North America isn't half as artistic or appreciative of their artists.

With that said, my next desirable destination is Brazil, followed by Italy to see Blu's work. I love that dude, I want to have his shit all over my house. A fucking mural by Blu would be too much to handle!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Marketing that a different way.

Sweet converse ad I came across recently. Does not hurt in the slightest that Julian "hottest person in the world*" Casablancas is in it. yum. Plus N.E.R.D. is in it & fantastic, & the song rocks. Awesome collaborative.

Also, a sweet ass reel from "Royal", featuring that song I can't get out of my head!!
(SO excited, finally found out it's a remix by the group "Shazam" that movie Shack was in when he was a jeanie)

*besides my boyfriend...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Zee animation world!

Found this animation awhile ago, I totally forgot about it until recently when I logged onto Vimeo again!! I absolutely love the creative energy in this piece, even if it does look flat it has depth still. Not sure how this is possible...whatever...

Independce Day means FLAG shirts!

ngHere's some crafty photos I recently took of the 4th fireworks in the great mitten state.

These are some of my favorite. I love messing with the camera to create cool light effect. Some look like spirographs to me...Best part? I took these with my point-&-shoot, absolutely NO photoshop work whatsoever on these babies!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This will definitely cheer you up if you feel crappy!
Makes me wish I was good at soccer...and ballsy-er....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Slow Summer & Cukes

So..started a new internship. Here's hoping this one isn't as slow as the other one.

Found some sweet shit lately. Here's my new obsessions:


Here's a sweet animation that just so happens to be on Jack's grandparents' origins. He visited Lithuania when we were first dating & it looked beautiful. I want to visit their cathedrals bad! They're soooo beautiful, even if i'm not religious.

Friday, May 16, 2008

this is what happens when you're out of school & have a video editing program.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Can I work here?

Awesome sweeeet work in the motion graphics crowd!
I hope to one day be this fucking kickass. Maybe I should learn Maya again...

And another ridiculous site!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Random sketch before bed one night. Kind of night-mare-ishhhhhhhh!!!!! Nevermind the pre-pubescent body that looks like a 2-year-old did it.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Awesome Street Art!!

Here's this sweet inflatable seen on the streets of NY city. I wish i thought of this!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Cool Shit # 1

Street art

If anyone wants to wheatpaste soon, I'm up for it this summer.


So I'm starting this blog. Hopefully it will keep track of the inspiring things of this world better.