Sunday, July 20, 2008


I have no clue how they made this watch move in the beginning scene, I'm frankly amazed. How is it the Japanese & Brazilians are so damn good with film & other art? I mean shit Brazil already has ridiculous graffiti, but now they have fucking film too? No fair! Too bad North America isn't half as artistic or appreciative of their artists.

With that said, my next desirable destination is Brazil, followed by Italy to see Blu's work. I love that dude, I want to have his shit all over my house. A fucking mural by Blu would be too much to handle!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Marketing that a different way.

Sweet converse ad I came across recently. Does not hurt in the slightest that Julian "hottest person in the world*" Casablancas is in it. yum. Plus N.E.R.D. is in it & fantastic, & the song rocks. Awesome collaborative.

Also, a sweet ass reel from "Royal", featuring that song I can't get out of my head!!
(SO excited, finally found out it's a remix by the group "Shazam" that movie Shack was in when he was a jeanie)

*besides my boyfriend...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Zee animation world!

Found this animation awhile ago, I totally forgot about it until recently when I logged onto Vimeo again!! I absolutely love the creative energy in this piece, even if it does look flat it has depth still. Not sure how this is possible...whatever...

Independce Day means FLAG shirts!

ngHere's some crafty photos I recently took of the 4th fireworks in the great mitten state.

These are some of my favorite. I love messing with the camera to create cool light effect. Some look like spirographs to me...Best part? I took these with my point-&-shoot, absolutely NO photoshop work whatsoever on these babies!