Monday, May 18, 2009

More from Grain Edit

Found out about two new artists: "Invisible Creature" & "Matte Stephens" (shown in that order).
Beautiful work with color.

Inspiration from GigPosters

Cruised around on the other day, didn't take too long before I came across some beautiful examples of work out there.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Team Players

Shit like this makes me want to collaborate like none other.
Awesome team, amazing work. Be sure to check out the "making of" section.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Awkward Art

Came across the work of Kristof Luyckx, his stuff is clean but not too squeaky. What I can't get over are his characters. These characters are just sooooo awkward, but so appealing. Love this particular illustration.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ok, stop badgering me! I admit it! I'm a girl!

While I hate admitting it, yes, I am a girl. I don't typically like "girly" things though, my mouth is filthier than a pirate's, and I've never gone to a spa before.

Nevertheless, I love this...

and this!!

Aren't they beautiful? They're both by this artist Rosa Pamer in Lisboa, Portugal. I found her off, apparently Oilily ripped off her doll. I love their stuff, it's a shame that happened. Anywho, I love the dolls' patterns and colors. Awesome, awesome stuff. You can click on one of the pics to go to her site, although it's not all in english.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Forgotten Artist

So, while i'm slowly becoming anti-Threadless (I get it, they visualize common-sayings...get over it!) they do have some cool shit on their "select" page. Wow, i sound arrogant. Oh well.

Anyways, I immediately noticed they had "Little Friends of Printmaking", awesome work as usual. Then the next artist showcased was Travis Millard. I was awed by his work, as seen below...
Then when I looked him up I found out he was from Fudge Factory Comics. I saw his stuff on wooster awhile ago and completely forgot about the work he and his wife do. Amazing stuff. I'm glad our love has rekindled.

Also led me to come across, awesome site with tattoo work. Looks like they've stopped updating, sad. I'll have to go through archives. Also found sick stuff on BME zine.

I try to be open, but wow...all this corset stuff grosses me out!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stay-at-home moms

If I ever was a stay-at-home mother, I'd go crazy. And do this...

Graduated Yesterday

So I graduated yesterday.
Woopdie doo.
I fully understand Daniel Clowes's "Art School Confidential" comic now.
What a waste.

On a lighter note, I really want to get this book, it's awesome. It's a collection of all these horrible tattoos people got. Hilarious what some people will put on their skin!
My favorite is just below the photo of the book cover....