Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Forgotten Artist

So, while i'm slowly becoming anti-Threadless (I get it, they visualize common-sayings...get over it!) they do have some cool shit on their "select" page. Wow, i sound arrogant. Oh well.

Anyways, I immediately noticed they had "Little Friends of Printmaking", awesome work as usual. Then the next artist showcased was Travis Millard. I was awed by his work, as seen below...
Then when I looked him up I found out he was from Fudge Factory Comics. I saw his stuff on wooster awhile ago and completely forgot about the work he and his wife do. Amazing stuff. I'm glad our love has rekindled.

Also led me to come across inkedblog.com, awesome site with tattoo work. Looks like they've stopped updating, sad. I'll have to go through archives. Also found sick stuff on BME zine.

I try to be open, but wow...all this corset stuff grosses me out!!!

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